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The FBF’s affiliated entities

The Association Française des Banques (AFB) The AFB is a founding member of the FBF. As such, it sits on the Executive committee, where it represents in particular small and medium-sized banks and foreign banks operating in France. The AFB is also the professional vody of commercial banks with respect to the social aspects of the January 2000 collective bargaining agreement. Trough OCTA – Banques, the AFB has collected the apprenticeship tax since 2006. OPCABAIA OPCABAIA is the new joint body for the fundraising for inter-branch ongoing vocational training for AFB banks, insurance and mutual insurance companies, general insurance agents and assistance companies, general insurance agents and assistance companies. It succeeded the OPCA-Banques (fundraising body for AFB banks) on 1 January 2012. The Comité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaires Created in 1930, the CFONB oversees the standardisation and organisation of banking activities in France. It is authorised to act as a standards bureau within AFNOR , the French standards association. Although its work mainly concerns payment systems and instruments, it also deals with securities. The Revue banque Group The group is structured around four activities concerning banking, finance and insurance: RB Press (Revue Banque, Banque & Stratégie, Banque & Droit, Bankers Markets & Investors), RB Seminars (Club Banque, Rencontre Banque & Droit, Conférence, etc), RB Publishing and RB Bookshop. All the activities are accessible on revuebanque.fr.

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