The banking industry is central to financial education FBF and 105 local committees conduct educational initiatives in the field
Financial education
A collection of 80 brief educational guides on key topics is provided and distributed for free. The collection is updated on a regular basis and enhanced with new topics, which are also available on the “les cles de la banque” website, which received more than 3.5 million visits in 2017.
As part of European Money Week, the FBF repeated its “Invite a Banker to Class” campaign. In 2017, more than 210 financial literacy workshops made it possible for instructors, with assistance from local bankers, to educate 5,250 children between the ages of 8 and 11 about concepts related to money through the use of a board game. The initiative was praised by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Learning and Research. FBF also takes part at the European Money Quiz.
“Banks and communities”
French banks, aside from their role in the country’s economy, also play an important role in society. As local stakeholders, they are committed to social inclusion, diversity and corporate citizenship policies. In order to better publicise these initiatives, the FBF published the “Banks and Communities” document, which provides details on banks’ diverse, concrete initiatives to promote entrepreneurship, professional inclusion, financial and budget literacy and social cohesion.
The banking industry has already sponsored more than 6,000 young people from these communities to help them find jobs.
The banks’ commitment is shown in their support for these young people throughout their accredited training programmes, particularly through apprenticeships and “professionalisation contracts”. The allocation of educational funds to schools focused on professional and social integration such as “Second Chance Schools” (i.e., schools offering secondary school diploma programmes for young people between the ages of 18 and 25) provided assistance for 1,600 young people.
FBF also participates in developing entrepreneurship within communities. Since January 2016, it has been a sponsor of Les Déterminés, helping train young entrepreneurs from the communities on how banks work and on financing solutions. FBF is rallying volunteer bank employees throughout France to provide entrepreneurs with tutoring in line with their needs.