Significant events in 2014 : financing of the economy


The European Commission publishes a proposal for a structural reform of de EU banking sector. The proposal puts the funding of European businesses at dramatic disadvantage.


The European Directive of 4 February 2014 on residential immovable property credit agreements is published.


A decree sets out the provisions of the PEA-PME (SME equity saving plan) designed to finance SMEs and ISEs.


  • The new French issuer "Euro Secured Notes Issuer (ESNI)" launches its first issues of guaranteed debt securities.
  • The Charter for "Euro Private Placements" (Euro PP), signed by the FBF and nine other professional organisations, aims to facilitate the development of private bond issues.


An order establishes a legal framework for crowdfunding.


  • The French Government launches the "Place de Paris 2020" Committee putting finance at the service of the economy.
  • Following the submission of the Report on the Financing of Very Samll Enterprises (VSEs), the banking industry announces measures in support of VSEs/SMEs, and appoints contact persons in each networks for the SMEs’ professional organisations.


  • The FBF sends the European Commission a list of its priorities to support the financing of economic recovery in Europe for 2014-2019.
  • Draft legislation for energy transition to green growth is presented to the French Council of Ministers.


The FBF launches a new website designed for businesses:


  • Outstanding loans to the economy exceeds 2,000 billion euros.
  • The amended finance law for 2014 eliminates the deduction of the Systemic Risk Tax and contributions to the Single Resolution Fund from corporation tax. This tax increase will affect the banks’ ability to finance the economy.

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