About us

Presentation of the FBF

It represents all French banks and foreign banks with oeprations in France in the form of subsidiaries or branch offices, whether they are European or from the rest of the world.
It was formed in 2000 from the desire to bring together all companies in the banking sector – commercial banks already enjoying membership of the French Bankers Association (AFB)(1) and cooperative and mutualist banks – in order to prote, with a single voice, the activity of the profession in France, Europe and internationally.
Located in Paris, the FBF is also present throughout France via a network of 105 regional and departmental committees. It also maintains offices in Brussels, and a representative office in Frankfurt since November 2014.

  • 120 permanent staff work at the FBF and the AFB in conjuction with more than 350 bankers that come together in the FBF’s commissions and committees. On the ground, 105 regional and departmental committees call upon the services of more than 2,500 bankers.
  • 383 banks are members of the FBF: universal banks, online banks, merchant banks, private banks, local banks, etc. Credit institutions licensed as banks and the branch offices of credit institutions in the European Economic Area can, it they wish become fully-fledged members of the FBF, which would then represent their professional institution. The central bodies of cooperative or mutualist banking groups and the AFB are also fully fledged members.
The FBF is a member of the MEDEF (Movement of the enterprises of France), Paris Europlace, the competitiveness center Finance Innovation and the European Banking Federation.

The FBF’s missions and strategic plan for 2015-2017

The FBF’s main missions are the following:

  • promoting, in the interest of its members, banking and financial activity at the French, European and international levels,
  • defining the profession’s positions, proposals or concerns vis-à-vis public authorities and economic/financial authorities,
  • serving as the intermediary between the banking profession and all the banking stakeholders: political and institutional spheres, media, consumers, professional associations, teachers, etc.
  • keeping member banks abreast of current developments in the profession and regulatory changes, and answering any questions about their activities.

In December 2014, the executive committee of the FBF adopted the federation’s strategic orientations for the next three years. The objectives are focused on several pillars:

  • reaffirming the role of banks in supporting the economy,
  • making the voice of the banking profession heard in the new decisionmaking centres in Europe and worldwide,
  • promoting the federation as a centre of expertise, communication and education on financial matters.


(1) The French Bankers Association (AFB) sits on the FBF’s executive committee, where it primarily represents small, medium-sized and foreign banks. It is the professional body of commercial banks in the social sphere.

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