See the actions Register this article Share this article 09/03/2022 The French Banking Federation The French Banking Federation publishes The banking industry in 2021
See the actions Register this article Share this article 30/01/2018 The French Banking Federation The banking industry is central to financial education FBF and 105 local committees conduct educational initiatives in the field Financial education A collection of 80 brief educational guides on key topics is provided and distributed for free. The collection is updated on a regular basis and enhanced (...)
See the actions Register this article Share this article 31/03/2017 The French Banking Federation The Third Annual “Invite a Banker to my Class” Event is a Rousing Success The French Banking Federation (FBF) conducted another successful “Invite a Banker to my Class” event for Year 5 and 6 primary school pupils. It was held during (...)
See the actions Register this article Share this article 22/04/2015 The French Banking Federation Banks are committed to inclusion and financial education Concrete measures for persons in precarious financial situations Since 1 October 2014 and in accordance with the Banking Act of 26 July 2013, banks are proposing a commercial (...)