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Banks: actors of a responsible and sustainable world


The French Banking Federation publishes « Banks: actors of a responsible and sustainable world ».

For many years, French banks and their more than 350,000 employees have been committed to integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) requirements: they have adapted their strategies and structures, and have developed their offerings and services towards responsible and sustainable finance.

While not exhaustive, this summary document aims to illustrate the main actions and collective contributions of the French banking industry to sustainable development objectives around eight themes : Financing of a sustainable economy, Fighting climate change, Protecting of biodiversity, Secure innovation, Financial inclusion, Reducing inequality, Quality education and training and Gender equality.

Banks: actors of a responsible and sustainable world (FBF – Last update: september 2022) (PDF)

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Download Banks: actors of a responsible and sustainable world (FBF – Last update: september 2022) (PDF)

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