Press releases
The report stresses that access to cash in France is quite satisfactory: 98.9% of the population lives either in a town or village equipped with at least one automated teller machine (ATM) or in one that is located less than a 15 minutes’ drive from the nearest town or village equipped with an ATM. A resident of a non-equipped town or village is on average an 8 minutes’ drive from the nearest town or village equipped with an ATM.
The report also finds that the geographical breakdown of ATMs is “dynamic”. Since the end of 2015, while ATMs have closed in 198 towns or village, one or more ATMs were installed in 131 towns or villages that had none previously. This shows that French banks are adjusting their ATMs to their clients’ needs and uses.
In parallel, several banks have, over the past few years, developed cash dispensing services via local and tobacco shops, thus enhancing accessibility to cash in certain areas, such as rural areas, for example.
Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani, Managing Director of the FBF, said: “As stated in this report by the Bank of France and the French Ministry of the Economy and Finances, the current mechanism of access to cash in France is sufficient. Banks are open to suggestions, and this generally makes it possible to provide solutions that are suited to local situations.”
FBF Press release – A report by the Bank of France and the French Ministry of the Economy and Finances confirming very good public access to cash
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